Monday, May 28, 2007

Quantity and Quality - another distinction between youth and maturity

I think the more one talks, the more immature one is. And I sometimes become like that, when I'm with old pals! Back to the younger days, when we yakked away to glory and passed comments on everything under the sun, and the sun, included! So, yesterday, with old pals, I literally ran my mouth dry in yakking - most of it was childish stuff.

And the less I talk at work, etc - with the pausing before the words - the more mature I think and sound. So, the quality of words here defines maturity, rather than the quantity.

Which is why, when old sages/kings spoke in old mythologies, their words carried great weight! Like the curses and boons which lasted a thousand years! Quality of speech far outweighs quantity. And sometimes, silence is better than no words said - in fact, silence speaks more than a thousand words, at times!