Saturday, November 10, 2007


My parents are hunting for a bride for me.
My Dad believes in matching horoscopes - I dont believe in it at all.
Its turning out to be a typical story - the family chooses a bride THEY like, irrespective of whether the guy likes her or not!! Their intention is honest, the process is silly.

I need to take a stand... Horoscopes are bollocks.

Now, need to convince folks to drop this age-old-pandits'-timepass / source-of-income. Come to think of it, pandits should be amongst the richest people in India with the wool they keep pulling over people's eyes with all kinds of rituals of appeasing the gods/stars/planets/moon/sun, etc.
They should be put onto a space capsule and blasted off into space for good. They will be closer to their beloved planetary objects - they have no place on earth.