Thursday, November 6, 2008


My father-in-law's death brought to home some truths that I was trying to avoid. I could not face these truths because practicality was easier to believe. Many years ago, I was a passionate person - passionate about life, work, etc. Then, I started becoming practical - and I lost all zest for life.

As I stood watching over the cremation, one hard raw truth was being branded on my soul - ashes to ashes, dust to dust. And life moves on without giving your death another thought.
Better do what you want in life TODAY - there may be no tomorrow. And what anyone else thinks of you doesnt matter - it only wastes precious time left in this life - there may be no afterlife or re-incarnation.

I think now that I prefer to be in a smaller town, with more time to enjoy life, sights and sounds of clean air and peaceful, happy surroundings. The rat race in the cities is not my idea of life. Certainly not something I would like to look back on as I lie down on my funeral pyre and burn to ashes.