Monday, May 7, 2007

Finding my "Groove"

If I find my "groove" in life, then I will accelerate and perform to the fullest of my potential. It's like the cog of the wheel rotating over and over until it "clicks" into position and sets into motion the giant ferris wheel.
Now, what is my "groove" and where do I find it?

I have tried Tech, project-management, pre-sales and now sales. Clearly, the "groove" was not there. At least, I did not pursue them long enough to know if I "clicked" after a while. So, is the groove a matter of time doing the same thing over and over, until you can do it blindfolded, or is it sampling different professions until one finally clicks - that really is the question.

The question of whether to give a job enough time to work out, or whether to keep moving until the "click" happens.
For now, I think I'll keep moving. I will also try to find my "groove" outside of the workplace.