Saturday, February 17, 2007

Perspective, Perspective, Perspective

If I have a Perspective X about an event, and the event meets my expectation, I am happy.
If I have a Perspective Y about the same event, and the event doesnt meet my expectation, I am not happy.

So, whether I am happy or not about a particular event in my life, is only because I am viewing it in a certain perspective. And that really changes the outlook on everything in life.
If I get fired tomorrow from my job, will I cry and moan over it and abuse the organization for doing bad things to me? Or will I confront myself on my performance and decide I just did not fit in, so its better we parted ways sooner than later? That's the beauty of perspective. It changes everything.

The sandclock of life is draining away. Perspective will ensure I keep moving on. Move on man!