Wednesday, July 11, 2007

When all else fails, Ignore it

It's happened before. I've tried too hard, pushed too hard, put in too much effort to get something going. And the outcome has not been pretty.

Following this, I've adopted two approaches in the past - not planned - but whatever made sense at the time.
1) Keep trying, pushing, putting in more effort - Now, this has at times, worked. But mostly, it has failed. Which basically means - dont try too hard - screw it, forget it, move on.
2) Ignore it - Now, this approach, surprisingly has worked in more ways than one. Either what I was after starts coming around. Or, I realize that I just dont want it anymore. Both of which lift a huge load off my back.

So, since the second approach has worked better, I think I'm just gonna ignore what doesnt seem to be budging. Maybe I'm after the wrong thing. The key is to keep myself busy with other things - which I will try to do.