Friday, January 5, 2007

Means and the End.... Journey and the Destination

As I go along, firmly into the "Action" phase, after a long long association with the "Introspective" phase... I pause very briefly.

Means are what is more relevant at the moment. The Journey is what is more important and alive at the moment. The thoughts of the End or the Destination are firmly pushed to the backburner, since the dynamics of myself and my surroundings are too multi-faceted to focus on one particular End or one particular Destination. Hence, the End will take care of itself, and the Destination will be reached automatically, wherever or whatever it is.

Deja Vu - this is exactly how I felt many years ago - before I aged prematurely! And now, I'm back into the "young-and-restless" phase! :) I like it!